Ying Lai is a senior product designer at Qrated Studio.

She produces digital experiences with dynamic storytelling and prototyping. Formerly at SFU, Drinkfill, and IxFintech.

Drinkfill Beverage
UI UX Design | Graphic Design | Motion Design | Interactions

Kiosk Revamp: Elevating User Experience for Dispensing Machines

Qrated Studio Inc.
Design Lead | Mobile App Designer | Product Owner

Neesh - LGBTQ2+ Community Mobile App

Spectacular Northwest Territories & Flow Creative
UI UX | AR Designer | UI engineer | Animator

AR Game Design - Immersive Tourism Experience

UIUX | Interaction | Visual Designer

Redesign B2B One-Stop Service - Registration Process Experience

ixFintech / Fintech, Online Learning, Finance, B2C
UI UX Designer | Interaction Designer | Graphic Designer

Learning Platform - Investment Education with Token system

Chefling Inc.
UI UX | Interaction Designer

IoT Mobile App UI UX Design

Web Design | UI UX Design | Information architecture | Icon Design I Wireframe | Hi-Fi Mockups, | Style Guide

ixCircle - Responsive Web Design (RWD)